Friday, April 17, 2009

nat tagged me in her blog. 10 things that start with k. hmmmm...

Kids - many say that i NEED to be a mom, and for a while, i was really not wanting to. more and more lately, though, kids are really growing on me. i love their little faces, hands, feet...all of that. god's amazing creations. and it happens to be the title of a dancey little number by MGMT, which i also enjoy.

Kites - i'm a sucker for windy days, and nothing makes me happier on those windy days then to see kites flying high in the sky. we flew kites a lot when i was a kid and those are some of my favorite memories. they just remind me of happiness.

Kisses - long ones, short ones, on the cheek, mouth, forehead..whatever. they have so much emotion in them. it's a genuine expression of how your feeling. you have no words. all you can do put your mouth to someone elses. it's sweet.

Kid A - a fabulous album by one of the greats, Radiohead, featuring songs such as treefingers, optomistic, and motion picture soundtrack. if you aren't already familiar with it, please educate yourself. you won't be sorry.

Kayaks - i love being on boats in general. kayaks are the only one that start with k, but they're just peaceful anyway. it's just you, your paddle, and what ever big body of water your floating in. i'm in love with nature, by the way.

Kindness - sounds silly, i guess, but when i see genuine kindness being given to people, even those who in our eyes don't deserve it, it pleases me. it's like that commercial where one person sees someone being kind to another person, then the person who sees it pays it forward and so on and so on. it's so true though. seeing kindness makes you want to be kind. fact.

Kangaroos -

enough said.

King of the Hill - one of the most clever shows on television. i don't know if they even make new episodes anymore, but it doesn't matter. i will forever watch and enjoy reruns of this gem. peggy is my favorite. and chuck mangioni.

Keith Green - He used to write music praising jesus. unfortunately he died a long time ago. i'm not sure how long the 80's i think. but he wrote some of the most powerful music. and he was a mad man on that piano. he could whoop elton john any day.

Kaleidoscopes - yes, the beatles painted a scary picture with "the girl with kaleidoscope eyes", but they remind me of stained glass and stained glass i'm in love with. as well as somewhat tacky patterns and bright colors. it's only natural i would enjoy these toys.

Other honorable "K" mentions:

The Kinks - a band from the 60's-early 70's. super chill. make me want to lay in a feild of flowers and stare at the sky

Kissing the Lipless - one of the catchiest songs i know of right now.

Killswitch Engage - self explanitory

Thursday, April 16, 2009

contentment is not apathy

these are the ramblings of a lindsey who couldn't sleep, which is most nights, because visions of her not-to-distant-future were dancing in her head. i don't think i have insomnia. just a night owl in it's purest form i guess? this was written a few days ago..or longer. i wasn't going to post it, but i figured if people are "following" my blog, they MUST want to hear what going on in my head, right?

so i've moved into the she-shack. it's been a little over a week now and i L.O.V.E. it. mostly cause i live with the three most awesome, beautiful, encouraging girls. and cause i don't have to sleep on a futon in my mom's front room anymore. i feel more connected and motivated in life. it's pretty crazy what paying rent does for your self esteem.

the year is already almost half way over. i can't believe i've been back in california for over 5 monthes now. it kinda blew my mind today as i was talking with my friend/co-worker, laura (she was one of the first people i met at my "new" store and she's legit). the older you get the faster time goes and i don't like that. i think it should be the other way around. i'm at an age i enjoy, slowly becoming the woman i want to be, doing the things i want to do, but it's all in fast forward it feels like.

god's really been showing me lately, though, that i just need to take my life one day at a time. it's good to have goals, ambition, motivation, but to make a definant plan for your life is certain doom. this is something that took me forever to understand. i grew up with parents who drilled into my head the "way things need to be" for my life; college, marriage, the 9-5 job...the american dream. there's nothing wrong with that,but throughout high school i felt that didn't really fit me. i tried for it though. many failed attempts at various majors. thousands of dollars down the drain in college tuition(granted i wasn't the smartest with my college choices), but it wasn't that i didn't try. lord knows i tried. i even moved across the country to focus on my education so i wouldn't get distracted. yet everytime something kept it from working out. and everytime i was devistated. completly crumbled, not understanding why i couldn't get my life going already. as all this was happening god was working within me, though. building me back up. helping me to realize my life was already going. so obvious, i know, but sometimes it's the most obvious things that we overlook.

what i think i'm trying to tell myself/express is i need to be the person i want to be now. not plan for 5 years down the road when my life is exactly where i want it to be, or so i hope. it's always the same excuses.."when i have money to spare, then i'll buy that homeless man food/give to a worthy cause" or "i'm too busy these days to read my bible/spend time with god/help out somewhere". it's hard for me not be like that, but what i need to remember is my life isn't going to get any simpler. i'm probably never going to have enough money and if anything i'll have more on my plate as life goes on.

there's so much burning in my gut right now that i'm having a hard time putting it into words. it's mostly how much i desire to be that woman who gives and expects nothing in return, as dangerous as it is. or to be the person others can go to talk to, because they know she will listen with out judgement or condemnation. i've got a long way to go. i'm just taking it in stride. i think i can finally fall asleep now.
